The Magic of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been buzzing in the news lately, people have been flocking to their local health food store to get some, and it is now known as a "superfood".  So, is coconut oil worth buying, or is it just another diet fad that will soon die out? 

Orange You Glad it's Winter?

Following a balanced diet focused on a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy, high-fiber foods, and healthy fats is a good way to ensure that you are meeting all of your vitamin and mineral requirements and may help reduce your risk of disease and reduce your LDL "bad" cholesterol. Vitamin and mineral supplements have been marketed in recent years as a "fun and easy" way to meet your daily requirements, coming in gummy form with many shapes and flavors. However, they are called supplements for a reason and really only need to be used when medically necessary. With the winter season in full swing, these vitamins and minerals are especially important.

Fall Favorites- Revamped!

Fall is coming, and so are autumn favorite dishes - cookies, pies, casseroles, and stews. While these traditional foods are festive and delicious, they can also be full of calories, fat, and sugar. Also, with more and more food allergies and intolerances present among friends and family, many traditional recipes cannot be eaten by everyone. By revamping your fall favorites, you can still indulge in all of the fall flavors without the worry or guilt! 

Hold the Bun and More Lettuce, Please!!

It's time to ditch the traditional hotdog and hamburger buns and get your lettuce wrap game on! What better way to eliminate the calories but with these wraps that are healthy, delicious and equally fun to make.

Beat the Summer Bloat with this Healthy Note

With summer quickly approaching, only thing is for sure, lots of fun in the sun and tons of eating. My favorite thing about the summer months is being able to host summer gatherings with family and friends and let's face it, what would be a party without food!!

It's so easy to get wrapped up in all the sugary and salty goodness, which often times lead to bloating and we all know that is no fun. Here is the great news; there are many healthy and yummy alternatives to meet all your summer hostessing needs.

Flame Kissed Desserts

Food gives us so many reasons to fire up the grill this time of year. One of my favorites is grilled corn on the cob -- a fleeting pleasure with a very short seasonal window that we are lucky to be entering right now. But after all the steaks and burgers and veggies come off the grill, the party doesn't have to be over. There are plenty of burning embers left to give a glorious char to, of all things, a dessert course!

Vacation and the Eating is OH SO EASY

"You don't go on vacation to save money or lose weight."

I can tell you I did not save money although the accountant in me did have a budget which I stayed pretty true to.

But, in a shocking twist, in spite of tasting everything I wanted and drinking anything I pleased, I lost nearly three pounds on that trip.

Summer Veggie Lovin'

I'm not the kind of girl that turns down a dinner invitation... especially in the summer time! There is something magical and wonderful about dining al fresco that fine-tunes the senses in a way that cooler weather just doesn't. Maybe it is the smell of burning charcoal that makes your nose perk up in anticipation when you are still a block away from your destination... or perhaps it is the warm breezes as you eat, or even the open-air sunset views as the guests linger over their drinks or desserts. In any case, outdoor summer dining sees a relatively small window of time here in Western New York and we all want to take advantage of it.

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