Healthy Workplace, Happy Workplace
The Independent Health Foundation’s Healthy Options® program makes it easy for workplaces to encourage wellness and keep healthy eating on track. Ensure that your employees have healthy options available during work catered events or meetings.
How? Adopt the Healthy Meeting Policy!
Why have a policy to eat healthy?
Billions spent in medical cost of diet-related chronic diseases:

(source: U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Typical American diets exceed the Dietary Guidelines.

(source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)

90% of Americans consume more sodium than the recommended 2,300mg for a healthy diet.
(source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
A diet that aligns with the Dietary Guidelines can help reduce risk of:
(source: Centers for Disease Control Death and Prevention)

- Cancer
- Heart Disease
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Death
Commit to providing healthy choices
Strive to serve an entire meal of LESS THAN 600 CALORIES – and always offer at least one serving of fruits or vegetables.

- Keep desserts simple by serving fresh fruit, low-fat dairy and whole-grain options.
- Avoid fried or high-sodium foods.
- GO for whole grains – like brown rice, whole wheat breads and quinoa.
- Limit processed or refined grains – like white flour, white bread and white rice.
- GO for lean proteins – like fish, chicken, beans and soy.
- Limit red meat and processed meats like deli meats or hot dogs.

- Water is best! Other smart beverages: coffee and unsweetened tea (hot or iced).
- Avoid soda – and other sugary beverages with 40+ cal./container.
- Go for 100% fruit juices – like apple, orange or cranberry – in servings less than 8 oz.
- Get Moving! Encourage a stand and stretch break every 30 minutes.
- Recycle-Reuse-Reduce. Place recycling bins in all meeting/eating spaces and encourage reusable water containers
- Clear the Air. All workplaces should be smoke free.
Quarterly drawings for free incentives
Just for completing the policy form you can win!
- A catered healthy lunch for up to 10 people.
- 10 Healthy Options branded items.
- Nutrition presentation by Independent Health Foundation’s Registered Dietitian.
Get started today!
To become eligible, review the Healthy Options Healthy Meeting Policy with your workplace and complete the online form below.
Every business is different and the Independent Health Foundation is committed to helping you promote wellness in your company. For a customized Healthy Meeting Policy, or a free consultation to identify your company's unique needs, call Independent Health Foundation at (716) 635-4959.
Share your Health & Wellness Stories
Have you adopted the Healthy Meeting Policy? Tell us about how you have implemented the policy and how it's working. You can also share your story about other health and wellness initiatives your company is implementing. Submit your stories and photos to [email protected]. Your company may be featured on our social media!