You want to make healthy selections when dining out, but sometimes it's hard to know which dishes listed on the menu are the healthiest. Use the helpful tips below, along with the links provided to learn more about the foods you should try to avoid and the healthy options you should choose instead!

Breakfast: Eating a healthy breakfast away from home can be tricky because many breakfast menus feature high fat meats like sausage or bacon, and high carb items like pancakes or waffles. Click here for more information.

Cajun: Cajun cuisine uses a variety of spice for flavor and incorporates a lot of seafood and wild game. Although many Cajun dishes contain high-fat, high-sodium ingredients, almost all of them can be made with less fat and salt. Click here for more tips.

Chinese: Chinese meals traditionally include lots of vegetables and lean protein, just watch out for added sodium and fat from heavy sauces or frying. Click here for more information. 

College: Your new freedom and the overwhelming number of dining options can make it difficult to stick to a healthy eating plan. Use the tips in this section to help you choose healthier options.

Diabetes: If you have diabetes, dining out can be challenging. With minor modifications, you can continue to enjoy your favorite restaurant meals. Click here for more tips!


Family Restaurants: When you need the night off from cooking, it's okay to head to your favorite family restaurant. Click here for tips on what to choose from the menu.


Fast Food: Sometimes we are just too busy and need a quick meal. There are healthy alternatives to the usual unhealthy fast food offerings. For tips on healthier options, click here.

French: Traditional French food is high in fat, with butter as the number one ingredient; however, now a lighter, fresher way of cooking French cuisine has been introduced: "nouvelle cuisine."  Click here to learn more.

Greek/Middle Eastern: These cuisines use mostly olive oil, vegetables, herbs, grains, fish, meats and poultry and are generally a more healthy option; however, it's best to try to avoid any casserole-like dishes and phyllo pastry dishes because they are usually high in saturated fat. For more, click here.

Healthy Kids' Lunches: Keeping kids interested in healthy lunches can be tricky, especially if you have a picky eater. Check out these ideas and tips for keeping kids well fed and focused through the busy school day.

Holiday: Americans can gain up to 2 pounds over the holiday season. This doesn't sound like a lot, but over the years those pounds can accumulate and become difficult to shed. Try these tips to help you stay on the healthy holiday track.

Indian: Indian cuisine uses a lot of legumes, vegetables, and spices, so there are plenty of healthy options to choose from. For healthier Indian options, click here.

Italian: Italian food is usually associated with large portions, as well as carbohydrate heavy meals of pasta, breadsticks, pizza and cannolis. But there are plenty of healthy Italian favorites that feature healthier choices like beans, roasted meats, vegetables, and seafood. To learn more, click here.

Japanese: Japanese cuisine highlights vegetables, tofu, fish and seafood, rice and noodles from various grains prepared in lean, and fresh dishes. Unlike other cuisines, portions are typically smaller too. Click here for tips.

Mexican: Some Mexican dishes feature heavy fried beans, fatty fried meat, or lots of cheese, but there are healthy Mexican dishes on the menu. Learn what to look for here.

Steakhouse: Steak and other red meats can fit well into a healthy diet, just remember to limit portions and choose lean cuts. Click here for more information.

Super Bowl/Sporting Events:  Super Bowl parties are full of good friends, great football, and game-day traditions! Start considering some simple routines and tips so that you have a safer and healthier Sunday. Click here for more information.

Thai: Thai cuisine uses fresh ingredients with exotic spices to add incredible flavor and interest. Click here for tips on healthier Thai food.

Travel: Whether you travel for business or pleasure, experiencing new places can be fun and exciting.  But being in a different environment can make it hard to stick to your healthy eating goals.  Follow these tips to help you stay on track.

Vegetarian: Choosing vegetarian meals at restaurants may seem like a healthy alternative, but be mindful. To get more tips, click here.

Vietnamese: Vietnamese cuisine offers many healthy dishes because much of its flavor comes from fresh herbs such as mint, lemongrass, Thai basil and coriander. Click here to learn more.

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