Osteria 166
Price Rance: $$
Osteria 166 is one of the hottest new restaurants in Western New York. Located in downtown Buffalo (166 Franklin, at the corner of Mohawk,) Osteria 166 is a quick walk across the street from the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center. A short walk down the street from The Hyatt and other Buffalo hotels and destinations. If you want a place to grab a meal before a show at Shea's Performing Arts Center, drinks before a game or concert at First Niagara Center, or a great lunch, head down and we will take care of you.Notes:
Additional menu items that may be healthy include: Garlic Roasted Shrimp Cocktail Fresh Mussel Stew with Spicy Tomato Sauce House Salad *Indicates sodium content [greater than/exceeding] the Healthy Options guidelines. The American Heart Association recommends choosing foodservice meals that contain no more than 900mg of sodium and a daily sodium intake of 1,500mg or less |